BACA dengan mata HATI
Point of View
IS the Malaysian Constitution a secular one? Lately we have had calls from some MPs and others claiming that our Federal Constitution is a secular one and that it is incorrect to call Malaysia an Islamic country.
They find disquiet in every step taken to inculcate Islamic values into Malaysian life. Sometimes non-Muslim citizens expressed discomfort even when the additional Islamic values are applied only to their Muslim fellow citizens.
All these have a tendency to make certain Muslim groups and individuals resentful of these people. Add to this mix a perception among such Muslims that there is a drive to introduce pluralism into religion in Malaysia and a desire for equal official treatment of the various religions, we get a perceptible stiffening of attitudes. The concoction becomes more volatile when traditional policies on apostasy and conversion are challenged.
We are not standing in such a volatile concoction and certainly not in an explosive situation, yet. But there is no room for complacency because the danger is clear. We need every ounce of wisdom on the part of people who matter to prevent the danger from becoming imminent.
Who are the people who matter? They are those on both sides of the equation who are the activists or the reactionaries in the dynamics playing out before us. When we live in a melting pot with ingredients that necessarily take time to melt down, we must give the pot the time. We must see what it takes for the alloy to come to a nice boil and hasten slowly to avoid a conflagration.
Every other day I read all kinds of statements, reports and articles that support or oppose the move for inter-faith dialogue. Why should there be such a need for dialogue unless some group feels that it has a grievance that can best be solved if the other party can be made to appreciate it and help to find a solution to it.
To me, nothing can be more reasonable than that. So, why is there some strong opposition to engage in a dialogue?
I have not seen anyone giving a full list of reasons but statements emanating from the Badai group (the Malay acronym for the Anti-Inter Faith Commission) that caused the Article 11 forum in Penang to stop prematurely complained of the proceedings being in English which, I suppose, placed the Badai group at a disadvantage.
Those in favour of a dialogue with another party have the duty to engage that party in a language it is comfortable with. It is perfectly reasonable to expect that those who seriously want to engage with Malaysians who are comfortable only with Bahasa would hold the dialogue in Bahasa: it is our national language.
At the very least, since we still have citizen social activists who for some reasons or other are still not fluent in Bahasa, satisfactory translation facilities should be made available. That will undercut the most basic reason for not participating in a dialogue.
If the Badai or some other opposing groups are not happy to have the dialogue for some other reasons, then they have the language to explain the reasons and to hear and understand the counter-reasons. The onus for this arrangement must be with the dialogue organisers, the Article 11 people.
It is no use for the Article 11 people to say that they do not need to dialogue with the Badai and such opposing groups because they have enough qualified Muslims to dialogue with, such as some learned scholars and experts.
Badai and their ilk are in fact the important people to tackle because it is their fears and objections that have to be overcome. The key is to show that their fears and objections are non-existent, unreasonable or unnecessary.
Most people opposed to inter-faith dialogue feel that Islam is under assault by non-Muslims in a Muslim country. It is a perception the inter-faith people must tackle carefully and rationally.
Their opponents feel that when they take up the case for apostates, they are interfering in the administration of Islam. They do not see it as protecting the human rights of persons who are no longer Muslims. To bridge these divergent views, there must be a dialogue: that is why all impediments to dialogue must be removed, such as the totally unnecessary one of the medium of communication.
The siege mentality can be seen clearly in the report, “Muslim lawyers form group to defend Islam from attack” (p10, The Star, July 14 2006). The group is called the Peguam Pembela Islam (PPI) or Lawyers in Defence of Islam.
Their objective is principally to clear the “misconception” on the status of Islam in Malaysia by giving their side of the story. Its pro-tem chairman Zainur Zakaria is reported to have said: “Among non-Muslims, it was viewed that Malaysia is not an Islamic state ... What we are hearing are the voices of those advocating a secular state where Islam is subservient to the Constitution.”
I am happy that the avowed aim of PPI is to give its side of the story. Giving one’s side of the story is in reality participating in a dialogue. That is the rational thing to do and I fully supported the PPI’s declared intention.
Is Malaysia an Islamic country? We will be debating this for the foreseeable future. There is no statement to that effect in the Constitution. But we are certainly not a Christian country or a Buddhist or Hindu country because not only is there no statement in the Constitution to that effect, each of these religious communities is a minority compared to the Muslim community.
By virtue of the Muslims being not only in the majority but a practising majority at that, I personally think that they have every right to think that it is a Muslim country. It was already a Muslim country in the pre-colonial era and Islamic law was further declared by the court during colonial times to be part of the law of the land.
Even the Merdeka and Malaysia constitutions which introduced so many more non-Muslims into the citizenship milieu did not detract from the special position of Islam as the sole official (though not national) religion.
They also recognised the syariah court’s special position although they set its limits just as the secular civil court has its own limitations. So Malaysia is de facto, as the government has said, an Islamic country. But Article 4 (1) of the Federal Constitution states that, “This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation” and there is no ambiguity in its declaration.
The syariah is not the supreme law of the land. However, to all intents and purposes, the supreme law of the land does not prevent a Muslim from any Islamic practice. It does prevent the imposition of the syariah court on non-Muslims. The trick here is to determine whether a practice is in fact an Islamic practice fundamental to the tenets of Islam.
So is the Malaysian constitution a secular constitution? To my mind, no. The sine-qua-non is not there. There is no absolute separation of state from religion as evident from the position of Islam as an official religion, a constitutionally endowed Muslim religious court system, albeit with jurisdiction only over Muslims and in respect only of those matters stated in the 9th Schedule, List 11 – State List, Section 1.
Our Constitution is quasi-secular only. This is my view. There are other people I know, and some are very learned who feel that our Constitution is secular but this we should leave to the constitutional court to decide on some appropriate occasion. What is important is that Article 4(1) declares that the Constitution is the “supreme law of the Federation” and it guarantees the right to freedom of religion to all.
It is also my view that the adherent of any faith should not be subjected to the practices specific to any other religion.
Our country is greatly admired by all and sundry, not least by other Muslim countries, for the ability of its multi-racial and multi-creed citizenry to live among each other in peace and tolerance. This is our high ground. Come and join me in maintaining it.
FAIR enough??!!!
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79 ulasan:
Kita berkongsi pandangan tanpa membeza pendirian hanya kerana bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia.
Satu soalan yang mudah jika kita Islam, kita akan ke mana sesudah kehidupan di dunia? Ke bulan ke bintang atau berhadapan dengan Allah SWT dengan muatan yang sarat beban atau amal yang digalas untuk diperhitungkan.
Demokrasi yang kini difahami adalah menghormati suara terbanyak tanpa sedikit pun menghitungkan kebenaran dari suara yang banyak itu.Negara kita menjadikan Islam sebagai agama rasmi tanpa menjunjung Al-Quran dan Sunnah sebagai petunjuk dan perundangan negara. Pemisahan yang ketara antara agama dan politik semenjak merdeka menjadikan kefahaman politik negara dan bangsa melayu berpecah dua...
Namun jika kita jujur kita dapat menyedari kelemahan-kelemahan yang masih belum terlewat untuk diperbaiki.Kita mesti mencari ruang untuk melengkapkan negara Islam yang demokrasi adil dan saksama yang mampu berdiri sendiri tanpa terlalu bergantung pada negara yang bukan islam. Namun kita msti cuba membina persefahaman antara agama juga nilai-nilai barat.Berbanding dengan masyarakat Islam di UK dan US, mereka lebih bersedia membuka dan mencari ruang untuk membetulkan salah faham dan cuba membina hubungan erat demi keamanan dan kemanusiaan.
Di mana kita jika benar sebagai negara Islam mampu membetulkan istilah 'pengganas' jihad sekadar contoh yang begitu bebas diemparkan kepada saudara kita yg lain.Kita terdorong untuk mencari penawar bagi penyakit kepada wabak virus YG BUKAN DIBAWA OLEH ISLAM.
Mengapa negara Teluk tidak pernah berupaya menyelamatkan saudara mereka yang tertindas teraniaya selama ini? Lulusan agama mesti aktif dan berkreatif untuk memindahkan ilmu dan menterjemahkannya dlm masyarakat.Masyarakat Islam di US lebih bersifat terbuka dan di UK masih kuat mengekalkan budaya dan adat yg berjaya melindungi agama.
Cuma jng kita yg menjadikan Islam yg perlu disesuaikan dgn nilai barat demi mengelak pertembungan dgn nilai mereka kerana Islam sesuai sepanjang zaman.Sikap msti diubah cara menangani masalah mesti jujur kerana kita mesti berinteraksi secara sihat dgn mereka yg bukan Islam.Kita yg mesti berubah dan banyak memperbaiki kerana nyata gereja tidak ada kuasa utk sama mentadbir politik di negara Kristian.
Di dalam Islam tidak ada penindasan tidak ada kezaliman juga ideologi yg semata-mata bersifat kebendaan dgn meninggalkan kekuatan rohani untuk membina kejayaan.
Berbalik kpd Malaysia masalah murtad adalah sepenuhnya terletak kesalahan kpd kerajaan kerana tidak berupaya menerusi sistem pendidikan menguatkan jati diri dan jati muslim anak-anak melayu.
Bukti yg jelas pelupusan dgn sengaja terhadap tulisan jawi yg sebenarnya akar kpd kekuatan bangsa dan agama. Kadar buta huruf yg membimbangkan adalah hasil dr Dasar Pendidikn Negara...kerana matlamatnya hanya utk melahirkan warganegara yg baik utk berkhidmat kpd negara BUKAN kepada Allah. Kita akan dapat apa yg kita niatkan.
Pada saya Malaysia sebagai negara Islam kerana berjiran dgn negara bukan Islam dan membina sistem keewangan Islam namun Malaysia sebagai negara Islam yg dibina oleh Rasulullah adalah tidak kerana Al-Quran dan Sunnah bukan menjadi rujukan dan sistem memerintah.Salahfaham ini telah di anuti oleh rakyat sejak dahulu lagi.
Cita-cita menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam memang satu impian murni. Banyak sebenarnya yang perlu kita lakukan jika mahu impian itu sebagai kenyataan. Masalahnya ramai yang rasa itu sesuatu yang mustahil, kerana memikirkan mereka perlu berjanggut tebal, berserban, berjubah labuh hingga kekaki dan juga bertudung litup.
Kadangkala, kita terlalu memikirkan kemungkinan sebelum sesuatu itu dilakukan, hingga ia menjadi sesuatu yang menakutkan diri sendiri. Belum buat apa-apa dah mengalah
Saya bukan seorang ulama dan tidak punya pengetahuan tinggi tentang Islam dan Al-Quran. Pada pendapat saya orang islam (termasuk diri sendiri)kurang bertanya pada diri-sendiri apa itu 'Islam' dan apa sebenarnya yang dimahukan Allah dan dititahkan Allah dalam Al-Quran.Apabila membaca Al-Quran , kita macam burung kakak tua tidak faham isi kandungannya, begitu juga dalam sembahyang. Apabila kita ingin membaca terjemahannya, banyak alasan diberikan kononnya tidak boleh baca seorang diri dan perlu ada tok guru itu dan ini. Sebenarnya ada diantara ayat-ayat Allah mudah difahami dan kita tidak cuba membacanya kerana takutkan perkara diatas. Umat Islam lebih banyak takut pada bayang-bayang sendiri dan oleh itu sering terjebak dalam perkara yang remeh temeh contohnya tunjuk perasaan berlebihan ke atas karikatur kartun yang menghina Rasullulah dan sebagainya. Pada saya sekiranya daya pemikiran dan daya tahan dalaman umat islam tinggi mereka sepatutnya tidak bimbang dan tahu kartun itu cuma provokasi dan walauapapun yang dilakukan oleh orang kafir ke atas umat Islam, sekiranya kita hafal dan faham isi kandungan Al-Quran tiada siapa yang boleh menukar atau mengambilnya dari dalam hati kita dan kita pula tidak mudah 'diperlekehkan' oleh mereka.Jadi persoalannya samada Malaysia negara islam atau tidak adalah remeh...jika undang-undang kata kita negara Islam tetapi semua tindak-tanduk dan dasarnya tidak begitu...adakah masih negara Islam ? Jadi bagaimana ?
Kol6eb The best blog you have!
rtHFYZ Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Good job!
Good job!
Thanks to author.
Hello all!
Good job!
hcfeIu write more, thanks.
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Good job!
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Wonderful blog.
Thanks to author.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
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Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Thanks to author.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
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Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Good job!
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Thanks to author.
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Nice Article.
Good job!
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Please write anything else!
Hello all!
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
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